inside the mind of a ten year old

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Baseball Practice

Baseball practice was fun but it is really hard playing baseball with ten year olds and im only 8 years old.At practice we started this thing called the three hundred club so you would half to swing the bat 300 times its harder than you think but you dont half to swing it 300 times in a row that would be tourcher.That reminds me now that were talking about base ball my coach was talking about my moms blog mommy9times so make sure to follow and dont forget to follow me to.So back to base ball practice like i was saying tourcher and i half to do that for a whole month but im up for the challenge and i get a really cool t shirt.I forgot to tell you what team i am on cobras so that really cool t shirt i was talking about its going to be like this cobra holding a bat up saying 300 hundred club my coach told me all about it.That practice i just finised my three hundred but that is only one week i have i have alot more swinging to do thank you for reading remember to follow...

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